Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dill Pickle Pork Chops

I am a pickle FREAK. I don't think I've met a pickle I didn't like. This recipe requires almost no prep and is a great grill recipe. I usually serve it with my cheese noodles (I'll post this recipe someday) as they compliment each other well.

4 to 6 center cut pork chops
1-1/2 cups dill picle juice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 clove garlic, crushed

Combine all ingreidients in a zipper bag and marinate at least 1 hour. Grill or bake until internal temp reaches at least 165.

Sometimes, if I have very thin chops, I will marinate and then coat in seasoned bread crumbs and fry or bake.

This is not your Grandma's pork chop! I've thought about trying the recipe with sweet pickle juice but can't decide if that sounds right to me or not.

Sauted Zuchini

I made this the other night with dinner. It was so good that I am making it again this week. It's an easy recipe to make and can be doubled or tripled with no problems. Seriously, this is something that I would make as a meal for a quick lunch or on a busy night.

4 small, thin zuchini sliced (slice some thin and some thick)
1 small onion, cut in half and sliced; seperate pieces
2 TBLS unsalted butter
Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Pepper to taste
2 TBLS real bacon bits

Melt butter in large fry pan. Add zuchini and onions, then season to taste. Allow veggies to cook, stirring occasionly. You want the thicker pieces of zuchini to be tender, while the thiner slices are browned. Add bacon bits and cook another 2 minutes, check seasoning, and serve.

Told you it was quick and easy!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Busy Day

I had every intention of writing this last night but my body had other plans. Somewhere around 8 I took my meds and got comfy in bed with the computer. Sometime after 9 I fell into a deep sleep. I didn't even hear my phone ring! Around 2 I woke up (at least partially), took care of the computer, shut the light off, and fell back to sleep.

We woke up around 7:30 yesterday and within an hour, we were in the apartment downstairs painting. We did just 1 coat. I was dreading it when we started. I went in thinking it was going to be tedious. I LOVED it. It was actually very relaxing. I just hated getting splattered with the paint, it really grossed me out. But I was able to deal with it.

After we got cleaned up a little, we walked 8 blocks (roundtrip) to pick up my medications. We rested on our front porch for a few minutes while our new to us lawn mower was delivered. Then we walked 5 blocks downtown to have lunch at Subway. We had the usual, a BLT.

After lunch we walked through the Be Cool Car Show. There were about 500 cars in it and it was about 12 blocks large. There were so many awesome cars! I am a late '60's Mustang fan and was NOT disappointed. I even managed to find my dream car (see above). That my friends, is a 1965 Fastback 2+2. Yes, I did drool. For only $32,000 it can be all mine. Please send money! Anyway, it took us about 2.5 hours to walk all the way through the cars. It was way too hot but we soldiered through.
Next up we ran some errands and did a little shopping. It was nice to get out of the house for a bit and cool off in some air conditioning. Did I mention that I forgot the sunscreen for the car show? Ouch!
We came back to the house and headed right back downstairs to do another coat of paint. Wouldn't you know it...We thought this would be it and we managed to run out of paint with 4 foot of wall to finish. Grrr! So tomorrow, we are headed back down to cover everything with the off-white. Fun. Well, at least it will be if I can move.
I woke up so sore today that I could barely move anything. I had to take a pain pill just to function and I was still habbling like a little old lady. I'm still in places that I shouldn't be stiff. I hurt in places that shouldn't hurt. UGH!
Well enough whining. It's getting time for bed.
Before I go, let me leave you with these words of wisdom: Never wear flip flops when walking 12+ blocks. Your toes will not like it and the blister you get will pop and sting every time you move your foot.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Binky Girl's Love

As anyone with children knows, life with a toddler learning independance can be grueling. They scream. They cry. They whine. A lot! Binky does all that with gusto.
Yesterday was particularly rough. Austin was at work so it was just her and I. Me. The bi-polar momma who is in the middle of adjusting to a med change and not feeling so sure of herself. No matter what I did, Binky threw a fit. Nothing I did made her happy. She wore me down after a few hours. Luckily, for me, my best friend was there to talk me off the ledge (so to speak) even though she was horribly ill. Things were better in the evening and I decided to take her to the fireworks (It was her first time).
She did great, didn't give me any fits about staying in her stroller. She had a great time flirting with the elderly man who sat next to us with his wife. When the show started she cheered and clapped, and yelled "WOO HOO". The girl who is afraid of vacume cleaners didn't bat an eye at the loud booms!
Part way through the show she started tugging on my hair so I tilted my head a little closer to her. Turns out that is exactly what she wanted. She pulled me closer, wrapped her arm around my neck, and we watched most of the remaining show cheek to cheek.
It touched me deeply, this little show of love. I know she isn't a bad child and that she doesn't mean to annoy me and I try so hard to let her behavior roll off me. I feel guilty for getting frustrated. (Note: I have never shown her my frustration. )
I will continue to pray on this and know that God will continue to work with me on patience. Also, hopefully this new med will kick in soon, or not, so we know what the next step in treatment will be.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fourth of July!

I love this time of year. The weather is finally warm enough warm enough and the rain has finally let up enough to enjoy the outside. Getting outside is important when you have a 20 month old with tons of energy!
We are lucky enough to live in a town full of history. Main Street is lined with mansions built in the 1800's during the lumbar boom. We happen to be 2 blocks off this street and live in a building built in he same time period. It was once a mansion too, but has since been turned into an apartment building. It might not be the best neighborhood, but it's home.
We also happen to live just a few blocks from downtown. There is an ecletic bunch of shops there that range from clothing, to a cobbler, to a fancy cigar shop, to coffee houses, to a 5 star restaurant! We've lived in this apartment for 1.5 years and I still haven't made it through all the great shops.
Just on the other side of downtown in a major river way. It is still used for shipping so it's a common thing to have huge ships and barges go up and down it daily. Both sides of this river are lined with parks. This side is more of a green space where they hold concerts. The other side includes play areas and baseball diamonds.
Which leads me back to why I love this time of year. Our city has a HUGE festival for Fourth of July. There are rides and music and good food and THREE (yes! three) days of Fireworks! The festival kicked of on Thursday afternoon. That night and last night we were treated with 15 minutes of beautiful fireworks. We watched from our roof. Tonight we will pack up the Binky Girl (Boo is with his Dad) and head down to the park for 45 minutes of fireworks! Binks did well watching from home but I am a bit worried how she will do when the booms are louder.
I can't wait! I have loved fireworks as long as I can remember and this year I get to share them with Binky for the first time!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Something to think about

Found this quite interesting.

The original that got me thinking. It's outdated but I was still suprised by a few things.

Take a moment and watch them. I bet you'll learn a thing or 2.

Wasted Tax Dollars

The state of Michigan requires you to attend a program called Work First if you receive and cash assistance from the state. Lucky me falls into that catagory. At least for now. Woo Hoo!
The hours you are required to attend are bases on the ages of your children and who is on your state grant. Hubby and I are required to attend 35 hours, however, the hours he works are subtracted from that. You can also carry over hours from week to week. For example: Austin works 14 hours this week, we had 12 hours carry over from last week, so at we have to complete 9 hours at the program. Either one of us can do the hours.
The program teaches you how to do resumes, fill out applications, practice interviews, and works on job skills. They will help get you into some training programs and pay for equipment and uniforms if needed. It pays limited mileage for the driving you do and also helps you get an outfit to interview in.
There are people in my "class" that really need these things. Some of them need a whole lot more that what they will learn here. Then there are those of us who can breeze through everything and spend a lot of time banging our heads into the walls because we are wasting so much time.
The training programs they cover are a joke. I'd like to see someone support a family on the pay they will receive from those jobs. It sucks because they will not count your college hours toward the program if you are going for a 4 year degree. Statistically, you will do much better in life with a bachelor degree that you will with a vocational certificate. Apparently, the State of Michigan doesn't want you to be able to get ahead, they just want you off their dole. I've never understood that.
They would rather help me get a certificate that lets me barely pay the bills and requires me to most likely stay on Food Stamps and Medicaid. They say they can't afford to help me while I get a degree that will let me pay the bills, buy food, and get my own insurance. Has anyone in their office ever bothered to crunch the numbers?
Another issue I have is the number of people who come into the program without a high school diploma. Work First offers no help to these people who need a GED. For pete's sake, McDonald's won't hire you without a diploma or GED. How are these people expected to succeed with no foundation?
I guess this is just another example of how messed up this lovely state is. I'm sure I will be writting more about this in the future.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stupid Job!

So I thought Austin's job was the greatest thing ever, but here we are going into Wednesday and he hasn't worked yet this week. He also doesn't know when/if he works because there is no schedule. His boss originally told him he worked today but that changed. Then told him to plan on Wednesday but never called back to let him know what time and then didn't answer his phone when Austin called. Really, it's not a big deal. I mean it's not like we need a roof over our head or food to eat! What's killing me is that we are still getting state aid and required to put in a certain number of hours at work or at a program (Work First) and now I am stressing that we are not going to make it this week. We took yesterday to run errands thinking he would work today. Then today relaxed thinking that he would work tomorrow. Now with no schedule we have 3 days to get these hours in. It will require one of us to be at the program all day for the next 3 days. This is going to get interesting.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hi There

Well, I've decided to give this blogging thing another try. Maybe (hopefully) this time it will work out. LoL
This past week started out ho hum but has ended with a bang. Austin officially has a full time AWESOME job as a cook/chef that he is loving! He filled out an application, was interviewed, and hired all in a span of 20 minutes. Hi boss is awesome and he gets along great with his co-workers. The job ruined our plans for the weekend, but I will take food in the fridge and a roof over our heads over boat races any day.
I will continue looking for a job and getting things in order to return to school this winter.
Tuesday Binky will be evaluated for Early Head Start. She has come a long way over the past few months but interaction with other children will help her even more. She is starting to put 2 or 3 words together and occasionally ads a new word to her vocabulary. We went to the pediatrician 2 weeks ago and were suprised that Binky FINALLY hit the growth chart. Talk about a celebration in that room.
Boo is still Boo. He sees his therapist weekly and hasn't had a cutting incident in almost 7 months.